All you need to know about cancer
When there is an uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells in the body, the condition is known as cancer. These cells are known as cancer cells, tumor cells, or malignant cells. The growth of these cancer cells can go beyond control and can lead to the formation of tumors in the body. These cells can also attack the immune system and can cause other impairments that can lead to death. Cancer a broad term used to describe the condition that is caused by abnormal division and growth of cells. It has affected 15.5 million people in the country as of January 2016. There are various types of cancer. While some lead to a rapid multiplication of the cells, while others can lower the rate of division. There are some cancer types that lead to the growth of visible tumors, while there is some other such as leukemia that does not cause any tumors. Symptoms of cancer The symptoms caused by cancer can vary based on the part of the body it has affected. However, there are certain common signs and symptoms that can be associated with cancer include Tiredness A feeling of a lump stuck under the skin Loss or gain in body weight that cannot be explained Darkening, yellowing, or redness of the skin.