Common skin problems you should know about
Skin health is a mirror of a person’s overall health and is also an important part of external grooming. Good skin health means a good diet and a metabolism that’s working well, while skin problems can point to several underlying health conditions. Let’s take a look at some common skin problems and their causes. Acne Acne occurs when the skin pores are blocked by the sebaceous gland’s secretions. A very common skin problem, acne can be categorized into whiteheads, blackheads, and cystic acne, which is a severe type of acne that occurs beneath the skin. This skin problem is most common among teens or children reaching puberty, but almost everyone experiences this at some point. Symptoms Acne may lead to red spots on the skin, and these may or may not be filled with pus. The most common areas of the body affected by this skin problem are the face, back, and neck. Also, acne may swell upward or be compressed into the skin, and black open pores are known as blackheads. Causes and risks Acne has many causes, but it is mostly caused due to skin pores getting clogged due to excess sebum production, which makes people with oily skin more prone to acne.