All you need to know about kidney and liver failure

All you need to know about kidney and liver failure

Hepatorenal syndrome is a condition that is identified as a type of kidney failure that occurs in people who have serious damage caused to the liver, commonly due to cirrhosis. When the kidney stops functioning, toxins begin to accumulate in the body which leads to liver failure as well. Therefore, kidney and liver failures are co-dependent in this case. This condition is of two types: 1 and 2. In Type 1 the kidney failure is more rapid, while type 2 patients tend to move gradually toward renal failure and the symptoms are less aggressive. Symptoms The symptoms caused by the hepatorenal syndrome are a cause of medical emergency in most cases. If any of the symptoms associated with the condition occur, the patient must be rushed to a doctor without any delay. The common symptoms associated with the condition include Nausea Increase in body weight Confusion Reduced urination Change in the color of urine, which usually becomes dark-colored Swelling in the abdomen area Jaundice Dementia Vomiting Delirium Causes and risk factors In most cases, the hepatorenal syndrome is a complication associated with liver disease. Almost in all patients, the condition is caused as a result of liver cirrhosis. When a person suffers from cirrhosis of the liver, there are several factors that can cause the hepatorenal syndrome, such as Infections, especially the ones that affect the kidneys Digestive tract disorders such as gastrointestinal bleeding Use of diuretics, the substance used for increased production of urine The primary reason behind the condition is mostly any kind of disease related to the liver.

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