Important things you should know about diabetes
The pancreas is an important organ in our body that produces insulin. It is required to help the glucose pass to our cells from the blood. That is how energy is created, which is the fuel we require to function. When the pancreas is unable to produce insulin, the glucose level in one’s blood increases. This can result in diabetes, which can lead to organ damage. Types of diabetes There are mainly three kinds of this disease. Type 1 diabetes It can be most commonly seen in children and adolescents. Having said that, it can occur at any age. The insulin production of one’s body decreases with this condition, and they require daily injections to control their glucose levels. Type 2 diabetes Around 90% of people who have diabetes suffer from this type. It is most commonly seen in adults and results in one’s body failing to properly use the insulin that is produced. It can be kept under control by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but one may also require medicine in the advanced stages. Gestational diabetes This can be seen during pregnancy if the glucose level in one’s blood increases. It can affect both the child and the mother.