5 aches and pains to never ignore
It is common to experience pains and aches after cardiovascular activity or weight training. This type of pain is usually how our bodies are conditioned to enhance endurance and strength. However, there is a difference between the pain resulting from a healthy workout and the pain symptomatic of an underlying health condition. For example, if there is a frequent occurrence of a specific type of pain, it is essential to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Here are a few types of aches and pains one shouldn’t ignore. Eye pain It is common to experience eye pain due to vision changes or any related issues. However, sudden eye pain should not be ignored. If one frequently experiences acute or chronic eye pain with or without vision changes, it can indicate a severe health problem. Occasionally, eye pain occurs due to a detached retina, a blocked blood vessel, internal bleeding, or acute glaucoma. In other cases, it can be an early symptom of viral infections such as shingles. Chest pain In most cases, chest pain is caused by something as benign as heartburn. However, in older adults, chest pain can be a symptom of an underlying health condition and should not be ignored.