Weight management for obesity – Stages, diagnosis, and prevention
Obesity is one of the most common medical problems in the country, and almost one-third of the adult population of the country requires weight management. Technically, if an adult who is over the age of 35 years has a BMI of 30 or more, they will be considered obese. Let’s take a look at the stages of obesity weight management and how to diagnose and prevent it. Stages of obesity There are broadly six stages of obesity weight management. Denial This is the first step of any behavioral issue, but the fact is that there is a mathematical calculation for the ideal weight and one for obesity as well. Thus, it is not a subjective matter, and one can clearly understand that there is a reason for action if the weight goes above the ideal weight. Decision Even after realizing that the weight is off the scale, it takes time for people to register the next steps. Whether one wants to maneuver eating habits or increase exercise every day, people take time to implement plans. Action The weight management phase starts here. This is an inclusive action and it is not limited to only eating healthy or working out. One must eat well, exercise regularly, cut down on bad habits, maintain a healthy sleeping schedule, and various other things to keep oneself from obesity.