Diets & Meal Plans
5 foods to avoid for better gut health
A strong gut is among the cornerstones of physical and mental well-being, symbolizing a robust immune system and preventing health scares. While some may be more predisposed than others to a sensitive stomach, some lifestyle changes can benefit all individuals. For example, everyone can follow a meal plan that comprises essential nutrients and is free of harmful elements. Here are five foods to avoid to maintain a healthy gut: Red meat Red meat consists of N-nitroso chemicals, which have been proven to damage the bowel lining. It is also high in saturated fats, contributing to inflammation and increased cholesterol levels. Thus, swapping red meat with lean meat sources like skinless chicken, turkey, and pork chops is advisable. Refined flour Refined flour converts to a glue-like substance in the intestines, considerably slowing digestion. It also has very little nutritional value and does not contribute to boosting gut health. Replacing refined flour with whole-wheat or multigrain flour can instantly make a difference. Individuals with gluten intolerance must choose gluten-free flour like almond flour and cornflour. Sugary foods A meal plan high in sugary foods can absorb your stomach’s good bacteria, which plays a vital role in digestion. A lack of essential bacteria can increase sugar cravings, perpetuating a vicious cycle.